Life at Sjölunden

Free-time at Sjölunden

Our day at Sjölunden is filled with many activities. Most of the activities are pre-organized such as Intresse (interest activity). But two times during a day we have a break. Those two times are Aftonfritid (afternoon free time) and Fika (coffee break). Aftonfritid is a time when the kiosk is open for your enjoyment. Fika is for credits only and is where you can relax from your classes and enjoy a hot beverage, such as coffee, tea and hot chocolate. 


Aftonfritid things to do:

  • frisbee
  • soccer
  • kiosken
  • banken
  • 4-square
  • beach
  • chilla


Fika things to do:                                                            

  • homework
  • relax                                                                    Here is a video of Jan explaining how Fika works!



- Jens, Jan, Niklas and Max


Namnbrickor are an interesting phenomenon here at Sjölunden. They let people know your Swedish name and for credit students, it provides a handy schedule on the back. You're required to wear it all day, so it helps to make it pretty to look at. Students spend time painting their little pieces of wood to showcase their style and personality. Here are some photos of particulary ambitious namnbrickor.


- Ronja and Silvia