Musik på Sjölunden

Music is the international language and it plays a special role here at Sjölunden. We're constantly surrounded by all different types of music. There are certain times in the day where music is the focus. Every day after dinner, we have Allsång, which is forty-five minutes of singing Swedish songs in the Dansbana. It's inspired by a large concert that is held every weekend in the summer in Skansen (a zoo in Stockholm) with the same name. We also have weekly discos, where, of course, only Swedish dance music is played. A lot of our favorite songs have line dances to go with them.


As part of our larger media class, Kultur, we've been listening to some more recent Swedish hits, especially those from this years Eurovision. We've asked about about camp for favorites and below are the results. We've also included the links to the winning songs for your listening enjoyment. 


- Emma, Hanna and Natalia

During each two-week session we celebrate Santa Lucia. Here is a short clip from our Lucia train!


Kör på Sjölunden

For the second straight year, Sjölunden has offered a kör (choir) Intresse. This year, lead by our counselors Lovisa, Hjalmar and Majken, we have begun by singing two songs: Sommarvisan and Gabriellas Song, which is from the end of the movie Så som i himlen. The kör is a unique experience because not only does it consist of only students, but it only has students in Lektion group 3 or 4, so the quantity of Swedish being spoken provides an experience unlike any other Intresse. Usually Intresse is a time where the difference between students and two-weekers is most evident, but because of this lack of divide and the quantity of Swedish being spoken, the Intresse runs much more smoothly. 

- Sebastian, Robben, Sören and Gunnar 



Göteborg Musik

Göteborg is a large music hub for both twee and indie pop and symphonic death metal. Though Scandinavia is known for its' death metal, there is a specific brand of metal that exists only in Göteborg. Sweden has lots of indie music, but Göteborg has turned out some of the most famous bands. For example:

  • Amon Amarth
  • In Flames
  • Jose Gonzalez
  • Jens Lekman
  • Detektivbyrån
  • I'm from Barcelona
  • Movits!
  • Symphonic Death Metal
  • The Knife 
  • Håkan Hellström

Indie pop that comes from Göteborg is very prevalent. Perhaps you are familiar with some groups like the ones mentioned above. After the rising popularity of the indie bands in the 80's the trend moved to Sweden. Göteborg is a very cultural city and thus it is a prime city for genres to form. I highly recommend: Jens Lekman, Jose Gonzalez and Håkan Hellström


Metal is also very popular in Scandinavia, especially black metal. Göteborg has it's very own sort of metal that is rarely found outside of the city; Symphonic Death Metal, is the Göteborg sound. One main difference between Death Metal and  Symphonic Death Metal is that Symphonic usually has heavy orchestral arrangements. I highly recommend: Amon Amarth and In Flames


- Ursula 

 Check out some of our credit boys as they play the piano during their free time!